Monday, July 20, 2009


So I was thinking that other day how a certain difficulty I was having wasn't a big deal.  Specifically, I was thinking that if I got into a course at U of T (which I will be entering this fall) it isn't something I could give as an example to non-christian as a witness.  This isn't to say I couldn't be thankful about it.  But they could reasonably say "it was a coincidence".  After all all I needed to do was talk to the undergrad coordinator. 

Well, it looks like not only will it be quite difficult to actually get into this particular course.  But Most of the courses I want to take will be very difficult to get into.  


I guess God wants more faith out of me. And it does serve as a reminded that it isn't what happens to us that determines anything about our life, but how we respond to it. 

Sometimes a note is easier.... but I guess then I really wouldn't learn it.

The comforting thing is that it serves to remind me that no matter what happens with my life, in terms of course or anything else.  I should trust him.  If I do, I'll be fine. 

ሰላም  ዮሃንስ


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